Friday, June 30, 2006

my personality?

outgoing personality.
takes risks.
feeds on attention.
no self control.
kind hearted.
self confident.
loud and boisterous.
VERY revengeful.
easy to get along with and talk to.
has an "every thing's peachy" attitude.
likes talking and singing. loves music.
daydreamer. easily distracted.
Hates not being trusted.
BIG imagination.
loves to be loved.
hates studying.
in need of "that someone".
longs for freedom.
rebellious when withheld or restricted.
lives by "no pain no gain" caring.
always a suspect. playful.
"charming" or "beautiful" to everyone.
stubborn. curious. independent. strong willed. a fighter.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

a busy + moodless week

many people asked me why i did not update my blog recently. haha.. it's just because im too too too busy n moodless in this whole week..

monday (19/06/06)

my little brother ( form4 student) din go to school as usual..i felt nothing because i just get used of it already, but my mom not.. so,world war 3 began..n as usual,i did my role--> to become a middle girl to cold them down..this war lasted for an hour ONLY n continued with cold elder brother brought my little brother out to watch movie.. n that was the time my mom talked to me..what can i do besides being her hearer? so, i spent about another one hour to listen to my mom's grievance..haizzz, sometimes i know i should spend more time with my mom but i just cant make it..haizz..i think i gave enough patient to listen to what my mom told me although at first i though i can use that time to do my homeworks..what to do? family is much more important than my study..

tuesday (20/06/06)

so surprised when i saw my little brother stand by to go to school is a rainny day, n i din bring umbrella to school.. i walked in the rain to school n felt not comfortable after was very very cold n so, i " stole" my lingdar -->ngaiwei's jacket.. cant imagine i really shivered at that time..thanks choywan for giving me her concern.. i only left school at about 2pm because i have to finish my chemistry experiment..when i reached my mom's office, it was already 2.45pm.. my little brother did not wait for me to fetch him grandma told me that my little brother just walked back home 5 minutes before i, after having my lunch, i drove back home.. my little brother already at home, played computer games when i reached.. n he looked like very angry with me because i din tell him that i will came back late today.. this was my fault because i told him i will fetch him home at usual time in this morning but i failed to do it due to the unpredictable reason..haizzz..

wednesday (21/06/06)

today yewhon said he will come to school to find me,choywan,szehui n others to have lunch.. yeah! long time din see this lengzai..during the lunch,yewhon, choywan n me talked n talked n talked until 2.30pm.. all his "lame jokes" make choywan n me laugh till non-stop..the day getting darker n darker when we reached school..n so, choywan n me decided to stay in our classroom to do maths homework n watched PROSTAR's drama..the other reason i dun want to go back is because im too tired to face with my little brother n also my mom..haizzz...maybe i just needed some fresh air to breath..

thursday (22/06/06)

as usual, my little brother din go to school..haizzz.. my mom started talking to me when i reached her office.. i tried to give her full concentration but i cant because im too tired.. luckily at that time my aunt came n i can drove back home.. n finally i had the time to finish my the night,around 8.30pm, i thought i can continue with my biology but once again, my house is visited by my mom's friends... haizzzz...what to do? i can only study biology in a very silent,quite environment.. (silent here means no any voices at all).. so, i decided to sleep at that time.. i cant get angry with my mom because she needs friends also..haizzz...nothing to do on the bed.. i decided to sms beh n again, no reply..haizzz..

friday (23/06/06)

finally reached to last school day in this was gotong-royong day.. n i was placed to clean staff room..after school, i had girlguide meeting at U6A classroom.. we r taught to sing the girlguide's song.. one english n one malay..after that, jingwen,yeesing n me went to amcorp mall to have our lunch..this is the first time i went out with jingwen..we had our lunch at Mc n we talked n talked n talked until 3.00pm.. jingwen had to go back to school at 3.15pm.. after bought some sweet n chocolate to mortals, jingwen n me walked back school n yeesing walked to LRT station.. when we reached school, jingwen's father already there waiting for her.. so, both of us rushed back to classroom to take our bag.. at that time, jingwen n me saw beh n peckyee.. haha, bulat said beh always berlaku curang.. hahaha..i walked to bus stop in the rain after that..

Different between friends n boyfriend

-friends can have more that one but boyfriend can only have one.
-friends can make u laugh when u face with any problem but boyfriend will only make u smile
-friends can bring u out n sing k in a group but boyfriend wont
-friends are still friends if din keep in touch with them for a long time but boyfriend is no longer a boyfriend once they lost contact
-friends can share all ur happiness n sadness but boyfriend can only share a part of it
-friends will hug u when u need it but boyfriend wont
-friends will always be ur side but boyfriend wont
-friends will tell u their problems but boyfriend wont
-friends will call u out to yamcha but boyfriend wont
-friends will always give u a sudden call but boyfriend wont
-friends will stick with u but boyfriend wont

-boyfriend will be able to see ur tear but friends wont
-boyfriend will overprotect u but friends will just protect u
-boyfriend will hug u when u sleep but friends wont
-boyfriend will give u a goodnight kiss but friends wont
-boyfriend will hold ur hand but only girl friends will do so
-boyfriend will give u a surprise but friends wont
-boyfriend will make u cry but friends wont
-boyfriend will make u feel sweet but friends wont
-boyfriend will call u when he feel very down but girl friends wont

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


一頓歷時89分鐘,價值274元的晚餐。一對男女戀人步出餐廳。男的吃這頓飯吃得好辛苦,因他85分鐘都用了來想著公司的那份計劃書該怎樣做,幸好女的一點也不發覺他心不在焉。女的對男的說:「現在不算太晚,你不用送我了,我自己回家吧。」明天就要交計劃書的男友,"立刻"答:「好呀!那你小心點了,回家致電給我 吧。再見。」男的飛快回家,去埋首他的工作,他不停的做直致電話響起。他看看鐘原來已經半夜三 時許,是誰這麼夜來電?他接過電話, 原來是他的未來外母:「我女兒現在還沒回家,你不 是和她去了吃飯嗎?她怎樣了,我好怕......」男的才記起女的說回到家後會致電他報 平安,但現在已經夜半二、三時她為什麼還不回家。男的心亂如麻,最後還是報警求助 。去到警局,警員問他: [ 她失蹤時的衣著是?」男的:「這...她......想不起來...」 警員:「不打緊,你先放鬆一下,那衣服的顏色總會記得吧?藍色?紅色?」 男的:「我...我只想著份計劃書,吃飯也低下頭...我不曾看過她的...」警員:「她的髮型呢'長髮'短髮'」 男的:「我跟她一起很多年了...我所以...怎麼她的東西我一點也想不起...」 警員:「你說她是你女友,你們最近很少見面嗎?怎會連髮型也不知道,那她有帶手袋嗎?」 男的也是無言以對。離開警局,男的覺得很驚訝,驚訝他對女友的"不上心"。多年來他已把愛情的感覺當成 一種 習慣,就連對他的女友也"習以為常",已經不把她放在心上了。已過了三天,女的還是音訊全無,這三天男的除了擔心女友的安危,就是不停的想:「她的髮型、她的衣著,我怎會不知道的!我一定要記起來!」
這夜,男的經過一條幽黑、灰暗的長街,竟看見女的就站在長街的盡頭。男的高興得跑向她,想緊緊的擁抱她。但走到女友的面前他就改變了主意,他雙手按著女友的肩膊,說:「等一下,先不要動。讓我看清楚你,你的頭髮、你的衣著,我要好好的記著! 回想起那晚,其實是你發現我還有工作在身,想我早點回家工作而叫我不用送你的。 一直以來只有你還關心我的感受,而我卻不理會你。 但不要緊,我已知道應怎樣去愛你、珍惜你。 相信 我,你的一切一切今後都會常在我心中的。」女的:「你終於都懂得理會我的感受,懂得珍惜我了...可惜已經太遲......」 男的忽然醒過來,原來剛才的是一場夢。 夢醒後男的努力去想,夢中女友的衣著、髮型,但還是記不起來.....
隔天,男的終於再見到他的女友,就是在警員帶他到殮房認屍的時候......望著躺在停屍間的女友,男的哭著說:「我終於知道你的髮型,衣著,我現在才 真正的看真你。我會記著的,永遠都會記著的... 我剛想到要珍惜你...你醒醒呀...不要就這樣離開我好嗎......」 男的剛學會珍惜, 卻已後悔莫及。現在他除了哭泣,就什麼都做不了......
也許你常發現我一直凝望著你!你問我看什麼呢? 我笑笑的回答....沒什麼 ,只是想將你的一切記在心裏 ,在見不到你時細細回味..........

Monday, June 12, 2006


今天是他們結婚第二年,沒有鮮花,沒有甜言蜜語,當然也不會有燭光晚餐。淑靜照往常一樣靜靜地在家等候柏正,已經十點了,他還沒有回來。這是當初她選擇他的其中原因之一,但是她萬萬沒想到,博正的處女情節會那麼深。從結婚到現在,只要淑靜拒絕柏正,柏正都會說:「又不是沒經驗,裝什麼處女。嫌我技術比妳以前的男人差?」可是淑靜想要解釋,柏正又說:「好啦!好啦!我知道啦!妳不用說了, 正妳學歷比我高,口才比我好嘛!
就這樣,淑靜過著做不能做,說不能說的婚姻生活。她好痛苦。他們平均一個月回去鄉下一次,看公婆也看小孩。小孩已經一歲了,稍微會扶著東西走路。淑靜除了逗弄小孩之外,還掃地,洗衣; 中午她把飯煮好 叫大家來吃。
小姑舀了一些蘿蔔湯起來「媽,妳今天怎麼把蘿蔔切的這麼大塊?」「那是妳二嫂煮的。」婆婆把責任推給媳婦。淑靜的大伯看到淑靜好像快哭出來,連忙說:「你們怎麼那麼笨,蘿蔔切大塊煮起來才好吃 ,妳沒看到外面的人賣蘿蔔湯都是切這樣的嗎?」淑靜看著大伯站出來替自己圓場,可是博正一句話也不說,心不禁冷了下來。


淑靜懷孕了,連續好幾天晚上電話鈴聲響,博正去接,對方都沒有出聲音,最後博正有聽到一個男人的聲音。他掛斷電話,「妳在外面交男朋友?」[你在說什麼啊?」淑靜一臉疑惑。「妳給我戴綠帽子,是不是?這肚子裡的孩子是誰的?」博正的臉上寫滿了忌妒,懷疑。[這肚子裡的孩子當然是你的,還會有誰的?」淑靜撫著肚子想保護她。「我的?妳想騙誰,男的找到這裡來了。走,去把她拿掉。走。」 拉起淑靜往外走「博正,你不要這樣好不好?就為了一通莫名其妙的電話,你就判我這種行你太不可理喻了。」淑靜甩開他的手,摸著被他拉疼的地方。我不可理喻?對,我就是不可理喻,我就是不要這個孩子,走,去拿他。」

媽媽真擔心才二十二歲的淑靜怎麼過! 未來幾十年的婚姻生活?「媽,我也不知道該怎麼辦?」她喑喑咽咽的哭起來。媽媽拍拍她的肩,「別哭,媽媽帶妳去醫院裝避孕器。既然博正不愛惜妳,妳要愛惜妳自己,知道嗎?」
今天是淑靜的忌日,博正牽著孩子來花蓮祭拜她。淑靜的媽媽正彎著腰拔著雜草,口中念念有詞的對著女兒說話。聽到一聲「媽。」她回過頭看到博正和孫子,不理會他們,繼續手上的動作,「你來這裡做什麼?你不覺得已經來不及了嗎?」博正把鮮花放在瓶子裡,因為淑靜在過世前,曾對他說:「博正,我沒有作對不起你的事, 你要相信我。萬一我死了,可以送我一對鮮花嗎?」即使是每天一束花他都願意,只要淑靜可以活過來可是已經來不及了。
「這時淑靜的媽媽從袋子裡拿出一本厚厚的書交給博正。~~我遇到那個叫博正的男孩,我! 好喜歡他………… 今天騎車和人家相撞,右腳的傷口好大,痛死了,全身酸痛,而且月經也來了,好 奇怪,才十天而已怎麼就來了?……………~~博正今天帶我去海邊玩,全身曬的紅通通的,下次要去海邊一定要記得擦防曬 油………~~昨天晚上和博正睡在一起,第一次好痛喔! 可是為什麼我沒有流血呢?奇怪,大家不是都說會流血的嗎? 博正會不會誤以為我不是處女呀?…………~~糟糕,月經已經超過一個月都沒來,怎麼辦? 會不會是懷孕了?………….~~博正聽到我懷孕了,說要娶我,我好高興,可是他是因為愛我才娶我? 還是因為肚子裡的小孩呢?……~~明天就要結婚了,我一定會好好的愛他,也會愛他的家人………淑-靜-」


若不是處女又不一定不是第一次...(可能不小心傷到)話又說回來,男人希望自己的老婆是處女,自己又喜歡在婚前多玩幾個,這不是很矛盾嗎?由此可見,男人最自私....(當然也有少部份優質男性)但願像這樣的故事,能警惕各位男士,別讓它發生在你身上...好好愛惜你身邊的她吧愛她 疼她 多照顧她這個故事我看了好多次.............它真的很感人

Sunday, June 11, 2006

pangkor first day 07/06/06

first day ( 07/06/06)
i wake up at 5.30am.. after having my breakfast, i straight away go to choywan's house.. we took bus at 6.30am n reached KL at 8.00am.. joel they all already there, having their "surprised" to see beh there.. hahaha.. he thought he can give me a surprise as he din tell me that he will join us to pangkor... hahaha.. but im too clever as i knew his plan since last week... hahaha...

after that, we walked to pudu raya.. kimkim already there waiting for us...on the way walked to pudu raya, choywan's lugguge was broken n she was so upset..she said she dun wan to go to pangkor as she feels that something will happen to her...but it is impossible to let her go back home at that moment.. so, we just continued walking...our bus(KL-Lumut bus) will depart at 8.30am BUT when we reached paltform14, the bus already surprised that the bus depart at 8.15am..this is very very weird because 99% of malaysian r not punctual.. malaysian has this bad habit n that's why many events or functions will be, what came through my mind was the bus driver is not a malaysian!! =.=" nothing much we can do at that time n kimkim went to ask the authority to solve the problem.. the authority said we can take the bus at about 10.30am n we have to wait for it...but finally, since the KL-Ipoh-Lumut bus (8.45am) has enough seats for us, we decided to take that bus..i think joel feels so sorry at that time because he is the one who did the bus transport..

at about 2.30pm, we reached Lumut..kimkim n szehui went to buy the ferry tickets,lian n joel went to buy the Lumut-KL bus about 2.45pm, we went to the ferry n took photo in the ferry...once again,choywan was so unlucky.. somebody stole her bag when we went to the back seat to take dear choywan felt to upset again.. she said she was very very very regret to go to pangkor.. there are IC, licence, keys, comb,handphone inside her bag..we found n found n found but still, we cant found her, when we reached pangkor, we took a taxi n went to police station to make a police report...i think this is the first time i go to police station..after making the police report, it is already 4.00pm.. we took taxi again to Nipah Bay Villa,a place where we stayed..

after a short break( i think it's just about half an hour),joel already making racket there... haha.. he said he wanna go to beach! all right, my childish, 6 of us agreed with him n went to beach...there were many many many people there..almost malays.. but i can still find out some lenglui wearing bikini!! hahaha...lovely figure! not like mine one.. hahaha..szehui said if she has those figure, she will also wear bikini!!!... haha... again, choywan really "hak lui", 4 guys "threw" choywan into the sea!! n now i think, choywan really really scare to approach water,especially the 4 guys beside her..haha..after that, we "buried" joel n took photo with him ... haha..after a lot of fun, we had a rest at the beach, n wait for sunset.. we had an oppotunity to took photo before the sun "drop" to the sea-surface.. thanks kimkim for teaching us to use the word "drop".. haha..

we had our dinner at 8.00pm in Nipah Bay Villa.. the food there are very spicy..n i did not eat much.. haha..just dunno why, i din feel hungry after all those fun..

after dinner, it's the time to have bathe! so, 7 people 1 toilet.. haha...szehui( our Fhilippine's maid) cannot tahan with the sand inside our room.. so, she get a broom n started sweeping the floor..lovely szehui likes our mother.. haha.. after that, we went to beach again to find " blue tear" (directly transfer from chinese)... this is the first time i see "blue tear".. really very beautiful..but unfortunately, the day cried after we saw the "blue tear".. so, what to do? we just walked back n had night activities inside the room.. we played about midnight ( about 1-2am), we all fall asleep.. haha.. this is the time i will be,i started to "kacau" beh...we talked n talked n talked until 3.30am.. haha..really feel sorry to szehui cause she can only sleep after me n beh ended our conversation... hahaha...

first day was not tired.. cause most of the time we were inside the bus... haha..

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

pangkor trip's eve

tomorrow i have to wake up at 5.45am n meet choywan at her house at 6.20am. then we will take no.9 metro bus to kota raya n walk across the road to pudu raya..the bus to lumut,perak ( i think) will depart at 8.30am, platform 14..(14 is a bad number)..based on my estimation, choywan and i will reach kota raya at 7.40am..and we can have our breakfast before we meet joel they all at 8.00am..hope everything moves smooth...

yesterday night saw beh through msn n he told me that he had found a friend to replace him since he cant go to pangkor,yet he summitted the fees already...but kimkim has made the cancellation in the, what can i do? i just get the phone number of the Nipah Bay Villa from kimkim n ask beh to call...if the authority says can cancel the cancellation, then everything will back to normal..7 persons will go to pangkor n beh wont loss any money...

today morning called beh n he said he already called the anthority there n they said the fees is unrefundable but we can use the money to have more activities..the RM130 will share by 6 of us...n beh said since number 6 is better than 7( 6 can make pairs but 7 cant), then he suggested that just 6 of us go to pangkor..n he just loss RM19 for the ticket...(sorry that i mentioned wrongly on the previous post that beh will loss RM 38 because i though joel had brought two ways tickets).. i asked him to decide himself n after that, i called lian n ask for opinion... hahaha, lian, dun speak out what i told u ar....

after all those calls, i back to my maths... omg... i still have about 5 chapters!!n the inequalities is still blur...summore the coordinate geometry n functions are the worst... all the formulae have to memorize..differentiation n integration are still okie, not much different from form5..

good luck to my dear weiyao.. today is his last paper..all the best to him!=)

okie..have to back to maths already... already online about one hour...gambateh!

Monday, June 05, 2006

pangkor trip VS stranger

ya, today is monday.. have to start packing for the pangkor trip.. errm, what should i bring? how many clothes? do i need to bring along junk food?sweet?swimming suit?toothpaste? busy thinking all these small small questions... all right, calm down first, bring 3 clothes since the trip is 3D2N.. bring junk food since everyone loves to eat.. bring sweet so that everyone can have it on the bus..bring swimming suit so that u can play enough.. bring toothpaste in case nobody bring it... okie, settle!

there is a guy called my mobile phone recently.. n his number is 0162941531.. i believe he is a malay(mlz) or foreign worker.. i choose not to answer his call n let it become a missed call.. that's why almost all the phone number in my missed call list are his number...this guy really crazy, called me at 3.00am when i was slept..and unfortunately i did not turn my phone into silent, after that night,anyone who call when i sleep,feel so sorry to them because i dun think i will know u are calling me as i had turn my phone into silent mode..

boring day

yeye called me yesterday.. guess where is he now?haha.. is penang!! he asked me which shop we brought "heong pieng" last time during 5S2 class trip... n i told him is "ying xiang".. he sounded so confused as he thought is "xing xiang"...after a bit of "arguement", i found out that actually we were talking the same shop... n i was wrong.. the word "xing" is pronounces as "xing" n i thought is "ying"... omg... my chinese is getting worse...such a simple word also can pronounce it wrongly...

today online saw kimkim... he want me to confirm the number of people who will go to pangkor island on next wednesday, thursday n friday by tomorrow night...he said maybe the fees can be refunded as beh not sure whether he can go or not..if it is refundable, beh also loss RM38 because joel has brought the bus tickets for him... if it is not refundable, beh will lost RM 168... so, for me, the best solution is beh can go to pangkor, then i will be very happy,n he also wont loss any money...but the decision is based on him, not me... hehe...

today online also saw my dear sapo (sally).. sapo said she will back to malaysia on 16 of june... n promise yar sapo, do come n visit me...tomorrow sapo has to sit for her exam, good luck to sapo yar...

today very sien...woke up at 10am,n had my breakfast at 10.30am.. continue my "appointment" with mr.chou until 1.00pm... after that, online from 2 till now...SIEN!!!

The Da Vinci Code--- Cartoon Version

to all the passagers:

turn on ur speaker...


~aNgeL iS hEre~

for all the passagers...

welcome to heaven,a place where angel stays...
welcome to heaven, u will have lots of fun here..
welcome to heaven, u will know whose ur angel is..
welcome to heaven, u can have ur dreams here..

welcome, my friends...