Wednesday, April 25, 2007



Thursday, April 19, 2007

19 ways to win a girls heart

1. Hugs from behind.

2. Grab her hand when you walknext to each other (don't make hergrab yours).

3. When standing, wrap your armsaround her.

4. Cuddle with her.


6. Write little notes.

7. Compliment her Honestly.

8. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.

9.Be super sweet to her.

10. Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams.

11. Comfort her when she cries.

12.Wipe away her tears

13. Love her with all your heart.

14. Pick her up and flirt withher (she'll scream and say put medown, but really she loves it).

15. Be a gentleman (hold thedoor for her).

16.Don't let your friends talktrash about her, it'll get back to her! & DON'T ever act differently
in front of your friends than you do when its just you and her!!!!

17. Take her for a long walk at night!

18. Always bring a blanket whereever you go outside when its cold to comfort her and hold her close

19. NEVER LIE TO HER!!!!!!because then she will think everything you ever said to her was a lie,even "i love you"

Saturday, April 07, 2007


我很笨啊!!!原来电脑有得type华语字的...而且还很好type呢!!..比之前那个chinese star 好很多咯!!

很久没有写部落格了.. 也不知道有什么好写的... 只知道最近很忙很忙...是故意让自己那么忙,还是为了让脑袋不会胡思乱想?忙归忙,总有一些时候会很得空的..比如说,吃饭啦,头脑又开始想东西了... 上厕所啦,又开始发呆...临睡前,又会情不自禁地掉入回忆里...有回忆是一件好事,但是让回忆绑住自己却是天大的笨事...而我这个笨蛋又在那边做笨事...


我很想剪头发... 很久很久以前,我曾经说过..每次要忘记一个人,就要很有勇气去剪头发..也不知道从几时开始,头发就越留越长了..而这一次,是留过最长的一次..差不多到腰了...是时候剪了...